Monday, March 2, 2020

Spoons in beauty services

Did you know that a simple spoon of sweet from your kitchen drawer can do wonders in the beauty industry? But yes! Check out 5 of its simplest yet impressive uses and try them out… You won't miss out!

Spoons in beauty services

1) You can use it to make your lashes more bouncy, giving them an effect similar to eyelash scissors. So take your spoon and hold it from its top edge as you can see in the picture below, placing your lashes between your finger and spoon.
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2) Use it as a guide for applying your eyeliner. Place it as shown in the pictures below, and then fill in the triangle you created. Extend the line to the inner corner of your eye and get a great cat eye look.
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3) It can also be useful when wearing mascara. Place it behind your eyelashes and at the height of their roots, as shown in the picture to avoid blurry.
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4) Make your own lipstick using the eye shadow color you want, putting it in the spoon and mixing it with a little petroleum jelly. Then take a lighter and heat the spoon underneath until both ingredients are melted and homogenized. Your lipstick is almost ready. Store in a small jar and refrigerate to cool.
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5) Put two tablespoons in the freezer, let it stand overnight and in the morning put your eyes on the side of the freezer until they stop being cold. This is an effective way to deal with swollen eyes.
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